Business Partner Code of Conduct

OHAUS is committed to conducting its business ethically, legally and in a socially responsible manner. We expect our business partners and Dealers to share this commitment and we have therefore developed this Business Partner Code of Conduct. It covers Ethical Conduct, Fair Competition, Environment, Health and Safety, as well as Labor Practices.
This code applies to all your activities in your business relationship with us. It defines the minimum standards of business conduct we expect you to comply with in your business relationship with OHAUS. You must also comply with all applicable laws, regulations, and codes of the countries in which you operate.
We encourage you to work with your own business partners to ensure they also strive to meet the principles of this code, or equivalent principles.

Download our OHAUS Business Partner Code of Conduct:

English Business Partner Code of Conduct

Spanish Código de conducta para socios comerciales

French Code de conduite des Partenaires Commerciaux

German Verhaltenskodex für Geschäftspartner

Italian Codice di condotta per i partner commerciali

Chinese 业务合作伙伴行为准则

Japanese ビジネスパートナー行動規範

Russian Бизнес-партнер Кодекс поведения

Thai จรรยาบรรณทางธุรกิจสำหรับคู่ค้าทางธุรกิจ

Vietnamese Quy Tắc Ứng Xử Đối Tác Kinh Doanh


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